EVENT 大当たりを出してまぐろを食べよう🐟世界まぐろデー期間 EVENT 【参加応募は14日まで!】『Super Bunny Man』× 「ツイキャスEsports」 大会🎮 EVENT 5/10(金) 22:00〜👻🎬セブン・サイコパス 無料放送!

コメント (37)

can i join collabo again im bored i had to go cause my sister was shouting
same i learned how o sing , dance and play instruments on my own
i wish i could play guitar... i play piano and sing
yea click it and then and opption that says join collabo should come up click on that :)
@georgia_cazakey yeah do you just clock that?
@lautnerfan97 can u see a box with an arrow pointing up